So where you mentioned how they said select icons will receive moments SBCs, does that mean that if they choose not to give someone like Mattheus a moment SBC, they will not be releasing his normal Prime SBC as theyre only moving forward with moment SBCs? Baggio prime, Cest un joueur qui fait rver So basically sums up that zaro is talking shit. There's understandably been a ton of confusion surrounding future releases of Prime Icon Moments SBCs. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, FAQ section of the official EA Winter Refresh update page, requirements and current SBC cost via FUTBIN, "Players who haven't had a Prime SBC will get a Moments SBC instead. Mme si jaurais prfr un milieu ou un attaquant je suis content au moins je pourrais jouer avec lui et c une trs belle carte. keane fifa fifarosters futhead pac All player faces, club badges and league logos are property of EA Sports, Privacy Policy (Officiel) Vos avis sur le jeu (gameplay, rcompenses,), [Modration] Toutes les rgles spcifiques au sous forum UT, [OFFICIEL] Le Topic de vos Rcompenses - Clash + Rivals + FC + Playoffs, [Officiel] Tout les liens importants pour Fut champions et les Playoffs. This item is Roy Keane Icon Moment , a CM from Republic of Ireland, playing in Icons. It is worth noting that the regular Prime Ruud Van Nistelrooy was not released as an SBC earlier in FIFA 19. keane futhead (source tweet), For some specific cases (Best, for example) you will have the option to send your previous Prime version as a discount form. Mid/Prime : Litmanen Mid | Manage Cookie Settings Its so fuckin funny that this is the most popular football game in history, made by a company with more money than god and more active players yearly than most sports games could dream of, and nobody has hardly any idea what their biggest marquee promotion of the year is, and most people are too turned off to care at this point. Don't worry, the best ones will get an SBC. Baby : Garrincha I really hope theres fallout if the discount they referred to is just using your untradeable prime as the icon portion of their OP SBC. Pokemon Trading Card Prices, Traits: Dives into Tackles, Set Play Specialist. According to the FAQ section of the official EA Winter Refresh update page. (source tweet), We do not make any announcement about future content timing other than to say that we plan on releasing regular Prime ICON Moments SBCs post Winter Refresh. fifa sbcs veron Mid : Rush For the first time in an Icon SBC, Ruud Van Nistelrooy's SBC requires two squads of the same rating (85). There are 3 other versions of Roy Keane in FIFA 22, check them out using the navigation above. icon moments prime inzaghi fifa filippo flippo wefut Et quand je vois ce que tu as eu au final, a me donne vraiment pas envie de jouer d'avantage, Le 27 fvrier 2022 22:32:14 : Mid 89+ swap 1 : Moore j'ai cru a pires et trezeguet.. j'ai eu chaud. - could be interpreted as every card that haven't had a Prime SBC will get it. That's what that means." Tous droits rservs. Mid/Prime : Baggio Prime prime icon moments fifa ballack michael Mid : Campbell I wanted to make this post in order to aggregate all of the information we have from various official sources to hopefully help provide some clarity about what we know and don't know at this point. Mais son endurance et sa frappe le rends moyen nul sur fifa, eu pareil et tester en 2 match amical avides et bien tres fort 1 buts et 3 pd, Zidane! Le 27 fvrier 2022 22:44:28 : Tbf pretty much everybody has more money than god. J'ai bien regard si j'tais pas cocu, mais je me suis souvenu que j'ai pas de copine , BLAME! Disponible lachat ou en tlchargement sur: Copyright 1997-2022 Webedia. (source tweet), EA releases a new batch of Prime Icon Moments and releases Ruud Van Nistelrooy Prime Icon Moments SBC, Ruud Van Nistelrooy's Prime Icon Moments SBC requires one icon along with 10 other squads. There are currently no plans to introduce any further individual Prime ICON SBCs. (source tweet), [Prime Icon Moments SBCs] should be like any other SBCs, so if an ICON is requested you should be able to use any - excluding the specific situations where the player already had a Prime ICON SBC before (like Best, for example), on these cases, you should have an option to use your previous Prime. keane futhead That's what that means.". Mid : Van Nistelrooy Only select ICONS will receive a Prime ICON Moment version. - to the question if we have to worry that R9, R10, Gullit and the other "best ones" will even get an SBC, "post winter refresh" honestly don't think we'll see a cruyff or gullit like player till june or july. Stoichkov je vais le jeter dans un sbc je pense , Incroyable aprs avoir eu Shearer sur le dernier ouvert. (requirements and current SBC cost via FUTBIN). : le crateur du manga dvoile un trailer de son nouveau projet aux airs de Nausica. PP Mid : Van Der Sar/Stoichkov/Seedorf, Quel joueur de merde va sajouter mon ratio de 3 bonnes icnes sur 16 ? Keane's price on the xbox market is 90,000 coins (4 min ago), playstation is 78,000 coins (7 min ago) and pc is 0 coins (Never ago). Game is so dumb. sbcs Keane FIFA 22 is 50 years old and has 2* skills and 3* weakfoot, and is Right footed. [Prime Icon Moments] SBCs will be made available throughout FUT 19. Mid : Overmars Mid : Schmeichel seedorf icon moments prime clarence fifa futwiz wefut Larrive des SBC Icne prime ce soir, je suis videment oblig de me jeter dessus, Pour certains vous devez vraiment saigner le jeu pour pouvoir faire autant de SBC icne.. C'est peine si j'ai pu en faire un cette anne.. His tweets are what is keeping the mob from killing EA. Incroyable aprs avoir eu Shearer sur le dernier ouvert, Tu vas voir le monstre que cest tu vas tre choqu, En gnral a se voit quand mme que cest une sacr douille. Mid : Van Nistelrooy Rponses bientt, Stoichkov je vais le jeter dans un sbc je pense , Le 27 fvrier 2022 22:54:45 : icon moments litmanen jari prime fifa wefut There is no separate SBC or option to submit a Prime Ruud Van Nistelrooy into the Prime Icon Moments SBC. Don't worry, the best ones will get an SBC. Larrive des SBC Icne prime ce soir, je suis videment oblig de me jeter dessus, Baby : Van Basten Zaro responds to questions on Twitter and expands upon some information released in the previous official FAQ, There will be more Prime Moment ICONs released during this Winter Refresh and throughout the course of FUT 19. PP Baby/Mid : Etoo Baby/ Baby Klose/Shaerer Baby sbcs Can imagine EA will try to avoid the George Best situation and mostly release Moment SBC with no Prime icon SBC before. Good stuff man! Appreciate the amount effort that went into this. seedorf icon moments prime clarence fifa futwiz wefut Fifa Twitter will go into meltdown if the discount is literally putting the icon in the icon specific squad lol I sort of want it to happen just to see the reaction but then again I have George Best myself. Moreover, [the structure of future Prime Icon Moments SBCs] should be similar to the current [SBCs]. Baby/Mid : Dalglish Mid fifa sbcs veron icon moments prime inzaghi fifa filippo flippo wefut Jen avais fait 2 auparavant javais eu 2 grosse douille (Swein MID et Beckham MID) lanne dernire encore pire et mme si javais dcid de plus en faire je me suis quand mme tent jai eu ROBERTO CARLOS ! but then there are also this informations from an EA employee: "Players who haven't had a Prime SBC will get a Moments SBC instead. by the FAQ: yes. PP Baby/Mid : Yashin Mid/Keane/Keane That literally wouldnt be a discount lmao, if they snake us like that Id be shocked but then again who am I kidding. EA launches the Winter Refresh promo and announces the first batch Prime Icon Moments. Contact keane fifa fifarosters futhead pac He should be asking for a pay raise. They cant be that dumb, they saw the reaction when they announced this promo before they clarified the part about icons already having sbcs, Honestly they should get flack that already owning the prime, untradeable or not doesn't offer an appropriate discount as well. | And I'm still sitting here waiting for the FC Ultrecht defenders Press J to jump to the feed. Roy Keane, cest pas jouable on est daccord ? icon moments litmanen jari prime fifa wefut Le 27 fvrier 2022 23:11:09 : Only select Prime ICONS Moment's will receive a Prime ICON Moment SBC. prime icon moments fifa ballack michael Baby/Mid : Pep Guardiola Baby